How to successfully swaddle your baby

Swaddling is a technique that involves wrapping your baby in a blanket to limit their movements, soothe them, and keep them safe. What are the benefits of this practice? How to swaddle your child safely? When to do it and when to stop? Find out here!

How to properly swaddle your baby?

A more practical alternative to the blanket is to opt for a sleeping bag or a baby nest to swaddle your baby. This childcare equipment is much more practical and safer for novices. But if you still plan to use a classic swaddle, you will need to follow the steps below:

  • spread the diamond-shaped blanket on a flat surface and fold the top point under;
  • lay baby in the center with his shoulders at the fold and his head sticking out of the swaddle;
  • pass the right side of the blanket between the left arm and the torso, then tuck it under the baby’s back
  • fold the blanket over by inserting it under the left side while making sure that baby has enough space to move his hips and legs;
  • close the diaper with the last point, folding it under the baby’s back or legs.

Why swaddle a baby?

Swaddling your baby is beneficial for:

  • help him fall asleep more easily and sleep better;
  • keep him warm while he sleeps;
  • prevent him from waking up due to the startle reflex;
  • that he feels safe by reminding him of the cozy inside of his mother’s belly;
  • help relieve his colic;
  • soothe him, reassure him, and reduce his crying;
  • calm him down during a crisis or when he is very agitated or irritated.

It is recommended to swaddle your newborn only before bedtime or naptime or if your baby needs to be soothed. Swaddling can be done from birth, but pediatricians recommend stopping around 3 months when your baby can roll over on his own. The duration can still vary depending on the child.

Swaddling: precautions to take!

To swaddle your baby safely, you need to take a few details into account. First, make sure that he is not too hot by choosing a swaddle made of light and natural material (cotton, muslin, linen, etc.).  So avoid wool and fleece. Underneath, dress the baby in light pajamas. There is also no point in swaddling him in summer. On the contrary, you should uncover the baby so that he can better tolerate the heat.

Next,  don’t tighten it too much or your little one will be unable to breathe. To ensure this, you should be able to fit one hand between your baby and the blanket. Also, make sure that your baby can move his legs so as not to compromise the development of his hips.

Finally, always place the baby on his back when swaddled. And if he starts to roll over on his own, that means you need to stop.

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